Tuesday 27 October 2009

Sims or Final Fantasy XII?

Either way, as long as it drowns out the people having sex in the room above me! The thing is that I can never work out how to get PS2 working, and Mike's gone to his job interview. I'm somewhat nervous about it, he's been saying for the past two days that he's not going to get the job, and I'm worried that it'll show through, and that would mean that he wouldn't get it in the end. I just hope he calms down.

I'm thinking that I need to switch back to de-caf tea, as since going back to normal tea (which doesn't taste any different), I've not been sleeping at all, which is majorly taking it's toll on me, but we can't afford to get any de-caf tea again yet. :( I don't think I had more than about two hours sleep last night. It wasn't much better the past two days either. :( I just take naps when I can, not much else I can do. It has meant that I haven't been able to do anything else other than computer as a result, and for some reason I've really been missing cooking at the moment. I also have a nasty cough, keep coughing stuff up, so I'll have to get some more Buttercup Syrup, the stuff is brilliant! I can't help wondering if the caffeine in the tea now is making that worse, as it's developed in the last day or two. It's odd, I didn't know caffeine could do that, if it is the tea.

OOOH! Just heard my housemate and is girlfriend talking, apparantly he's not been paid, and I know that he's on disability benefits, and we suspect that he's committing benefit fraud too, as Mike has seen him signing up for job-seekers as well, which is illegal. So who knows, maybe he'll not be able to pay rent from now on, and will have to leave. That, to be honest, would be perfect. He does drugs, has minors around to do drugs with him, leaves the kitchen in such a state that it is caked with grease, and Mike's refusing to do it now, while I can't do it because of my ME. And you have to check before sitting down on the loo because he tends to piss on the seat. Gah!

That sounds really bad, but we've been living here since August, and he's made our lives hell since then, we had the police round 3 times in one week, and it would be so good if he wasn't here anymore. We'd be able to have a
nice kitchen that people could work in without the risk of food poisoning, the bathroom would be maintained, the sofa and chair would actually have their cushions, rather than them being on his floor so that all his 14 year old friends can live on his floor. Blegh.

In the meantime, we keep getting automated phonecalls about not having to pay off our debts. It's driving me mad! :O We didn't sign up for them, so I don't know why we're getting them, and I wish they would stop.

Ah well. Time for the daily tarot reading. I chose this spread: http://www.tarotforum.net/showthread.php?t=48860

It's one of my favourites, and I'm using my Tarot of Jane Austen, no reversals.

1. Stepping out into the crisp Autumn air, you go for a walk in the woods. This is where you are starting from: Lord of Teacups (King of Cups)
I have a stable and committed relationship, which is a plainly long-term thing, and I know that no matter where I go, I have Mike there to lean on and rely on in times of need.

2. As you walk down this path, you hear a twig cracking in the brush. These are the fears you will encounter: Lord of Coins (King of Pentacles)
This is also about Mike and I. I sometimes get worried that we won't be able to find a way to achieve material security, and I know that Mike would be the main bread-winner, because of my condition, and having to live on disabilities, and he has trouble in job interviews, so getting a full time job could be difficult for him. :(

3. So you wrap your shawl tightly around you, and grasp it tightly as you quicken your pace. This is that which you will find comfort in: Two of Coins (Two of Pentacles)
This is saying that, while, yes those things may concern me, at the same time, I do know that somehow we will make sure that we get through any prospective problem. We have also been discussing saving up a certain amount each week/month, for such emergencies. :)

4. Off in the distance you see a deer with it's fawn crossing appearing in your path. This is what you don't expect: Ace of Coins (Ace of Pentacles)
Again, this is about money and material matters, not-surprising considering what's been going on lately. And it seems to me that this is a more immeadiate future, rather than a long-term future, that money is going to be coming in sooner than expected.

5. A wise owl swoops above your head and lands on a far up branch. This is what you will learn along this path: Five of Coins (Five of Pentacles)
We will learn that no matter how hard things are, we have people or places to turn to in times of difficulty. And that no matter how hard things get, we will make it through the difficult times together.

6. As you reach the end of your journey, you ponder all that has happened and what has resulted. This is the outcome of your journey: XVI - The Tower
We've been struggling a lot lately, but we're going to be able to start rebuilding our way up again, from the bottom, and it's time to start our foundations, and work together to ensure our future is happy.

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