Wednesday 28 October 2009

My sister MAY be getting married, in 2012. Let's hope the world doesn't actually end!

My biological sister told me last night that her and her boyfriend have been talking about getting married in 2012. Thing is, I'm concerned that she's wanting to do this because she doesn't want to end up alone. That sounds really horrible, but she's already told me that she doesn't know if she loves him anymore, doesn't feel anything when they kiss, and even spoke to me for about a month about another guy, who she was considering leaving her current (currant?) boyfriend for, but then decided to stick with the first guy. The other thing that worries me is that she's only just had the divorce finalised from her previous marriage (they were dating three years, and married for three years). I don't know, she obviously knows herself better, but I am worried that she's making a mistake.

She has asked me to be a bridesmaid though, which how can I resist! ;) I think the dresses for the bridesmaids are going to be teal, which I love, and I just really hope that we're not wearing puffballs. :P I just don't have the figure! ;)

In better news, Mike had his job interview yesterday, and is now going to be having training for the job, and then starting not long after, from what I've worked out! :D We celebrated with chocolate and beer, while I played Final Fantasy XII - just killed the Mimic Queen (and a Nekhbet Rare Game in the Dalmascan Estersand), and I need to go through the Giza Plains and go kill Thextera, then I'll head back to Rabanastre and do other things. I need to get to level 14 before I go to the Lhusu mines though, as I don't use Quickenings, and Ba'Gamnen is level 12. Hmph! :P

I got distracted... Mike's job <3

It's working in a telephone call centre, which I know people hate getting those calls, and for the first 12 weeks he would be getting £4.80 an hour, which would then go up to £6 an hour! :D He'd only be working nights as well, so I'd get the TV to myself in the evenings, and while I'd have to get my own tea, it's something I'd be happy to do in exchange for Mike working. :D

It is also definitely the caffeine that screwed my sleeping patterns up though, which is odd, because coming off it did jack shit for my fatigue, but going back on it for two days stopped me sleeping? What's going on there?! I've ended up giving all of my specialist tea to my friend Daniel, doubling his tea collection, and I now have some green tea, some non de-caf for visitors and de-caf tea for me. I might have to get some chai though, with milk and sugar that is great at night, and it's a "spicy" tea (cinnamon and other such spices I believe), which is too divine for words! :D

I can't think of anything else to write today, and there's not going to be a tarot reading either, I haven't the strength to do that, unfortunately, so I'm going to put the PS2 on, get up to level 14 or 15, and go woop ba'gamnen's ass! ;)

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