Monday 26 October 2009

Jewellry in the offing! :D

OK, so I'll be making loads of jewellry for people once I have the stuff I need, an Egyptian style one in exchange for the Robin Wood tarot, once the pendant has arrived, and then some other pieces in exchange for the Legend: Arthurian deck (so beautiful!), and book called Animal Wisdom, which I love. :D In the meantime, I took two of my pendants, two hands holding hearts, saying "Love" and "You", and have made myself some earrings. They may be simple, but they still look good, though I say so myself. ;)

So I've got the things I need for that ready, so that once I have the things that I need to do them, I can make them, then send them off. I won't be doing any more to my tarot deck for a while, as Mike and I have been playing Final Fantasy XII, and we were both fed up with trying to work out the loot that we needed to keep, and sell, so I'm creating my own version in Excel, which is a lot more fun than it should be, I'm sure! ;)

I don't have much energy today, so I'm going to have a day of gaming, and getting as much done of the FFXII Bazaar file done, I've got as far as the Crossbows and Bolts, so I'll try and get the sheet done where the items are listed that you can get from the bazaar, and then what you need to buy them. People who have played FFXII will know what I mean, I know. ;)

Right now I'm on my own though, as Mike has gone to find the place where he is having a job interview tomorrow. I really hope that he gets it, as it would mean that we'd have extra money, and we'd also be able to have time away from each other, which will help a lot I think. It would be something else to put on his CV as well, as he's only worked at Card Factory in the past, so people don't always consider him. It doesn't help that in York nobody will employ students. It's ridiculous this is a student town, with two universities, all willing to work, but none being able to. This was going on before the credit crunch too. :(

So I did a five card reading with my Llewellyn Tarot (for those that don't know tarot, it's based on Welsh myths and legends, it's great! :D), asking what we could expect if Mike got the job:

XXI - The Universe (The World); 0 - The Fool; Six of Cups; XVI - The Tower; Page of Wands

OK, so the Tower concerned me, but I grabbed the book, to see what I could find to understand how it fits with the seemingly contradictory other cards. What popped out: if one has been living under oppression, the the change with be freedom. That fits with the other cards in my opinion. The Fool with the Page of Wands suggests to me that the job would be a new start for him, help him to feel more positive attitude in general, and could also bring something else to his life that he would enjoy, rather than spending his time with the Giant in the Playground, and playing on the PS2 and other consoles (nothing wrong with that, but having more to do would be good for him...) Then you have the six of cups, which I believe is about the people who Mike could end up working with would be good company for him, and also help him with his self esteem as he doesn't have that great self esteem (no idea why not, he's an amazing guy, friendly, funny, caring, he means the world to me.) Which leads to the final card, and the Universe (The World in other decks). I think this one is saying that we will have all that we need as a result of Mike the job, we'd be happier, be able to buy proper food, and generally be in a better spiritual and emotional place.

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