Tuesday 17 March 2009

Well I'm making headway with my tarot cards, I've written up the descriptions for half the major arcana. I'm going to try and get the rest of them written up over the next few days, but some of them are going to be harder than others, as the second half of the major arcana seems to be the hardest to explain. However, I'm happy with what I have so far.

As a result of this project, I've not done many readings, which I've decided to do something about. So I have done a five card spread, using my trusty Llewellyn Tarot, about the direction my life is taking me:


1: Your current life direction: XII - The Hanged Man: Complete standstill, not being able to do anything about it. I'm at a loss about what to do next, as I've not been able to study, due to illness, and I've not been able to get a job either, so I'm completely confused about where to go next, and what to do.
2: The lesson you're learning: Four of Cups: That there are always options available to me, I just have to look for them.
3: What you're moving towards: Queen of Pentacles: I'm moving towards being an independent woman, with the means to do what I want, in order to provide for my loved ones.
4: Your long-term objective: XI - Justice: I need to be honest not only with other people, but with myself, and I have to use that honesty to help me move forward with my life.
5: What will help you attain your objective: Five of Pentacles: Struggling for money. Which to some extent might seem odd, but it makes sense to me. I am seriously struggling for funds at the moment, and this difficult period is making me determined that my children, when I have them, will never go through the same issues I have had to, and this determination will help me to succeed materially.

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