Monday 9 March 2009

After obtaining permission, I'm posting this

New Year’s Spread


1-2) What you’re bringing forward from the prior year
Page of Swords and Ten of Wands
The Page of Swords not only represents intellect and intellectual persuits, but can also represent a person who is under the age of twenty one and an air sign, as my friend is. I believe that these two cards, combined, are explaining that he’s bringing forward the things that he has learnt about not only himself, but also his university course, and using that knowledge to shoulder the responsibilities he has taken upon himself. He has been making plans for the past year for the future, and he can move them forward to the next stage, and prepare for the future.
3) Winter Overview
Four of Pentacles
This could be a need to save money, or even more simply, not feeling the need to spend money on things that he doesn’t need as much. Yes, there’s always space to buy yourself a few treats, but in this case, it’s saying that this Winter, money should be saved more than it is spent.
4) January Outlook
Ace of Swords
The aces are beginnings, and the swords are about intellect, so I think that is literally, the start of a new semester, getting down to it again, seeing what you can learn. Maybe he could even look into doing a course in his free time that catches his eye and interests him.
5) February Outlook
Seven of Pentacles
The key sentance to do with this card is “Satisfaction in work”, and it refers to the university work that my friend does, and where he progresses with that, and also maybe a prospective job that he would like to get.
6) March Outlook
XI – Justice
Justice is all about karma and balancing things out. I believe that he needs to allow things to happen in their own time, and have the patience to see things through, rather than get worked up.
7) Spring Overview
Three of Cups. Purely and simply, this is about celebration and joy, usually with a group of people.
8) April Outlook
Two of Cups
Two of Cups is about love and new relationships, and my friend had confided in me that he had been thinking about whether he wanted to get involved with somebody, and I believe that this card is saying that come April, maybe somebody will arrive on the scene for him.
9) May Outlook
XV - The Devil (The Horned One)
At this time of year, there are examinations and assignments going on at uni, and this could very well be about control, and worrying about allowing himself the opportunity to maybe follow this potential new relationship, as it might affect his university work.
10) June Outlook
VII - The Chariot
This card is not just about being able to bring conflicting ideas to work in union, but also can be related to victory after working hard especially with regards to exams. So I believe that this card is saying that he does not need to worry about having things distract him from uni work, as he will still get good grades.
11) Summer Overview
Six of Wands
This summer could be giving my friend a good sense of satisfaction, where he knows that he has worked hard, done well, and is now being acknowledged for all his hard work. It looks like it’s going to be a summer of smooth sailing.
12) July Outlook
Four of Cups
It’s the start of the holidays, and he’s going to have to decide what he does for the holidays, and it may be harder to decide this year. Does he stay put, or go back home. So he’ll need to look at each option, weigh up the pros and cons of each choice, and go from there.
13) August Outlook
VI - The Lovers
This card is about making romantic choices, I believe, what about, I’m not sure, but I believe it is related to the Two of Cups from April.
14) September Outlook
XX – Judgement
September is the start of the new year, his final year at university, and he’s going to have to seriously think about what he’s going to do after university, about whether he’s on the right track for him, what he can do with his degree.
15) Autumn Overview
Six of Pentacles – This was unclear at first, so two clarifying cards were pulled.
Clarifying Cards: Five of wands and Page of Wands
From the clarifying cards, and looking up Six of Pentacles in various books, I believe that the six of pentacles refers to the student loan which will come in at the beginning of Autumn, and being able to use the loan to find ways of helping other people and himself better themselves, maybe through some sort of competition.
16) October Outlook
XIX - The Sun
Simply put, this is going to be a card of joy and happiness, of things going really well, and the way that he wants them to. It can also have a lot to do with love, which again seems to tie in to the Two of Cups from April.
17) November Outlook
Nine of Swords
Not such a positive card, it can indicate worry and illness. To try and clarify what was going on here, I drew two clarifying cards, the Ace of Cups and the Page of Cups. Both these cards are related to love, which makes me think that he will be worried about a loved one, possibly somebody he is having a relationship with, and that maybe that person will be suffering from ill-health.
18) December Outlook
XIV – Temperance
Temperance is about things being in balance, and after the nine of swords, and illness being a possible meaning, he might need to find a way to balance all of his responsibilities, wants and needs, such as looking after the ill person, but making sure he has the time to himself that he needs. He needs to find ways to adapt.
19-20) What you will carry forward into next year
Six of Cups and XVII – The Star The six of cups is about happy memories, and seeing the good in both people and life. In the meantime, the star is about hope and also of planning. There isn’t really much more that I feel needs to be said about these two cards.

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