Sunday 1 March 2009

The reasoning behind my name

I have had a tough life, and yet I've survived it all, and this caused somebody to tell me that I was like the Phoenix. The more I thought about it, the more I thought, yes, I am a bit like the Phoenix. I may not have the grace and beauty of this stunning creature, but I have proved time and time again that I have the inner strength to rise from the ashes, rebuild myself after a Tower-like event has taken place.

A while ago, I started thinking about spirituality, and I have always been interested in the Norse Gods, not helped by watching one of my favourite TV shows Stargate SG1. I'm such a nerd. But I decided to research the different gods and goddesses. While doing this, I came across the Goddess Skadi, and the Goddess Freyja. Freyja was the goddess of love, beauty and wisdom, while Skadi was the goddess of winter and hunting. These two names and stories really resounded with me, as did the other Norse gods and goddesses to a lesser extent, but especially Skadi. I've always found such peace in winter time, especially with the snow on the ground, it's like the world is being cleansed, and given a fresh start. And then this name, Skadi's Phoenix came at me out of nowhere, really, and wouldn't leave my head at all. So here I am, calling myself Skadi's Phoenix, determined to keep rising from the ashes. :)


  1. Hi there, I found you while perusing the AT forums. :) Personally, I find the symbol of the phoenix inspiring and strengthening even in easier times. (I'm getting one tattooed in August, myself!)


  2. I agree. :) I keep coming back to the Phoenix, and have a phoenix tattoo already. It helps me know that I'll get through, no matter what happens. :)
