Friday 19 March 2010

And I have no internets

I've moved away from York, and in with my best friend in Liverpool. It's been tough, as I really miss my fella, but it's the right thing to do. It means that he gets on with his uni work, rather than looking after me, and I'm not looking over my shoulder for Ave. I literally wasn't able to relax, and moving away has helped SO much.

I haven't explained about her before, she's the person who triggered my ME. I trusted her, and she assaulted me. I went to our boss, rather than the police, and I've regretted it ever since, I wish I had gone to the police now. I'm house bound and can't work anymore. It might sound vindictive, but she's got off scot free, and I just hope karma catches up to her. Enough about her though, waste of space she is.

I've been thinking a LOT about things, and the people I know. The upside of getting ME is that I finally know who REALLY care about me. My parents do not count among them, I phoned them on Christmas Day, and after less than 30 seconds they said goodbye and hung up. So sod them. Then I have some friends from uni who don't bother talking to me anymore, and others who have been amazing, and I'm so grateful to them. Some more than others, it has to be said, like Will and Ellie, and they've been amazing. And I'm happy, truly happy. :)

My sister, in the meantime, is getting married (to a different person than who I talked about a while ago), in May, which I'm pleased about. I think they'll be happy. :) Which brings me to my oldest brother. I wish I knew what to do about him, he and I used to be so close, but our parents own his house, so his hands are kinda tied. I miss him though. :( I hope he is OK...

Tarot now: I've got a new deck - The Mystic Dreamer, that I'm quite happy with, it's got some interesting cards, I'm not completely sure about all the images, but the cards have proved to be quite insightful. :)

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