Saturday 10 April 2010

My parents went too far.

OK, so I haven't spoken to my parents since Christmas Day, and believe me I am SO happy about that. They were abusive, hypocritical and quite frankly, evil. The downside was not being able to talk to my oldest brother, as they own his house. However, he phoned me a couple days ago, to see how I was, and basically explain that he's at the same point that I am, doesn't want to know them. My nephew and neice won't go there unless my brother is with them ALL the time, it's terrible, I just don't understand why anybody would be like that.

In the meantime, my ME isn't exactly any better, but I still got denied DLA, so that's being appealed, and hopefully I'll get it as a result. The past few days haven't been great, I've been seeing two sets of stairs at times, and two cats (we only have one cat ffs! :P). And bills have been confusing us, so it's been getting to me. We'll get there though. On the plus side, water is sorted out, we have somebody looking at the gas and electric for us, and food won't be a problem. Next time to sort out housing benefits, as Hannah is paying the rent for now. :(

Mike in the meantime, once his loan comes in, is going to pay for our internet, the wonderful man. I'm stealing the church internet for now, which has me worried, Mike reckons I'll spontaneously combust if I spend time here. Yes, he's a git at times. I love him though.

The downside of using church internet is that I don't get to do readings, and I've also been so damned stressed out about everything that I haven't done readings much lately. :(